Contact Us

    Important Disclaimer: This website ( is not affiliated with IEP Direct (

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    It is designed solely to offer unofficial guides and resources for navigating iep-direct

    Filling out the “Contact Us” form will connect you with this website (, which will then provide references to official iep-direct guides whenever possible.

    A Letter from Ava Jones

    Hi there! I'm Ava Jones, your IEP Direct guide here at IEP Direct. Looking for an easy way to manage IEPs? You've come to the right place!

    This website is your main resource for using IEP Direct services. We provide straightforward instructions to help you understand the platform's features, create and manage IEPs, and streamline your special education processes effectively.

    In this space, I'll be your helpful companion as we navigate IEP Direct together. We'll explore how to create IEPs, manage them, and use other IEP Direct features to simplify your work.

    Let's start using IEP Direct and make managing IEPs more efficient. Begin today and streamline your IEP processes!

    Warm regards,
    Ava Jones